Anita Madacs, a Hungarian teacher with specialist
training in working with disabled, blind and low vision children, has helped to
devise a series of stimulation exercises to help Dorah mentally and physically.
The purpose of the exercises was to stimulate Dorahs brain and to try to
cover some of the development that she has missed at key stages in her life due
to hospitalisation, injury, or disability. The exercises take between
forty-five minutes to an hour to complete. Even just attempting part of the
exercises (due to the difficulty of obtaining some of the equipment) has shown
benefits in Dorah now trying to speak more than even before.
1. Rotating
Adult holds Dorah off the ground but parallel to the
adult. Rotate her ten times to the left and ten times to the right, the adult
moving with Dorah.
2. Swinging
Dorah lies in a blanket and two adults swing her from
side to side, to the accompaniment of a childs nursery rhyme or song,
played twice.
Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree top,
When the wind blows, the cradle will
When the bough breaks, the cradle will
Down will come baby, cradle and
3. Lifting
Still in the blanket, the adults lift Dorah up and
down, for the duration of two childrens rhymes/songs
Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a white
With rings on her fingers and bells on her
She shall have music wherever she
4. Swinging
This time Dorah, still in the blanket, is swung in a
movement aligned to the length of her body, for the duration of two
childrens rhymes/songs.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle
And pretty maids all in a row.
5. Rolling
Dorah lies with her arms above her head and rolls
linearly over a blanket ten rolls in and ten rolls out.
6. Tilting
This exercise requires a board made big enough for
Dorah to lie on with most of her body, but propped up on her elbows, i.e. about
the size of a coffee table top but with a rocker (as in a rocking chair).
Tilting (imagine an axis going through the hips, perpendicular to the spine)
back and forth (down at the front of the body/board, then down at the back of
body/board), for the duration of childrens rhyme sung twice.
See, saw, Margery Daw,
Johnny shall have a new master;
He shall have but a penny a day,
Because he cant work any
7. Tilting
Still using the large rocking-board, but with the
rocker placed perpendicular to its previous position, Dorah must tilt side to
side, the imagined axis along the centre of her spine, for the duration of
childrens song sung twice. She can lie nearly with her chin on her
wrists, both elbows pointing out in opposite directions, in line with the
movement of the exercise.
Bobby Shaftos gone to sea,
Silver buckles at his knee;
Hell come back and marry me,
Bonny Bobby Shafto.
Bobby Shaftos fat and fair,
Combing down his yellow hair;
Hes my love for ever more,
Bonny Bobby Shafto.
8. Somersaults
Dorah should do ten forward somersaults, ending in a
sitting position. She should keep her protective hat on during this exercise,
which can be carried out on a blanket.
9. Springing
On a large physiotherapy ball (i.e. at least up to
Dorahs chest height), Dorah should lie on top of it and be bounced up and
down to the accompaniment of two childrens songs.
The movement is up and down.
Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport
And the dish ran away with the
10. Rolling
On the same large physiotherapy ball, Dorah should be
rolled back and forth, the movement in line with her spine, to the
accompaniment of two childrens songs.
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my sore toe so,
Which toe did it bite?
The little one on the right.
11. Tilting
On the same large physiotherapy ball, Dorah should be
rolled side to side, to the accompaniment of two childrens
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If your daughters do not like them,
Give them to your sons;
But if you havent any of these pretty little
You cannot do better than eat them
12. Propping up
On a squishy ball that has a diameter as long as
Dorahs wrist to armpit (i.e. bigger than a soccer ball), Dorah should
move from kneeling with the ball in front of her to having her body stretched
out straight, the ball under her stomach and supporting her weight. Then she
should reach out to touch or push an object with her left hand, and
then roll back on the ball, going back to the starting position, sitting on her
heels. This should be repeated nine times using her left or right
Taking (rather than touching or pushing) objects with
one arm is very hard for Dorah unless e.g. they are plastic rings that her
stumps fit into snugly, the friction taking the place of grip.
13. Lifting
Sitting on the lap of an adult, facing the other
person, Dorah should be lifted with the adults knees, up and down, repeatedly
to the accompaniment of two childrens songs.
Three blind mice, see how they run!
They all ran after the farmers
Who cut off their tails with a carving
Did you ever see such a thing in your
As three blind mice.
14. Tilting
Still sitting on the adults lap, Dorah should
be tilted from side to side, repeatedly, to the accompaniment of two
childrens songs.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, bakers
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it and mark it with
Put it in the oven for Dorah and
15. Backwards somersaults
Starting on the adults lap, Dorah should be
helped into a backwards somersault with an element of the handstand in it as
she must prop herself up with her hands as she goes backwards. This should be
done ten times.
16. Pushing and pulling a short distance
Dorah must lie on her tummy on an oversize (specially
made) skateboard. She can be flat but propped up on her elbows. She can be
pulled back and forth for the duration of two childrens songs. (We tried
to replicate some movements like this with a blanket on a well polished
Oh where, oh where has my little dog
Oh where oh where can he be?
With his ears cut short and his tail cut
Oh where, oh where is he?
17. Pushing and pulling a long distance
As in exercise 16 but over the length of a room,
still to the songs.
Oranges and lemons,
Say the bells of St Clements,
You owe me five farthings,
Say the bells of St Martins,
When will you pay me?
Say the bells of Old Bailey.
When I grow rich,
Say the bells of Shoreditch.
When will that be?
Say the bells of Stepney.
Im sure I dont know,
Says the great bell at Bow.
Here comes a candle to light you to
Here comes a chopper to chop of your
18. Pushing backwards
Lying on the skateboard Dorah can take an
object from a basket and transport it backwards, pushing herself, and place it
in a previously empty container.
The same process can be repeated in the other
direction. This can be done to a song if wished but all children have their own
speed so the song should not determine the length of the exercise.
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Then up Jack got and home did trot
As fast as he could caper;
And went to be to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper.
19. Rotating
An adult holds Dorah in their arms and rotates ten
times to the left and then ten times to the right.
These exercises should be carried out four times a
week for the first fortnight; then six times a week from weeks 3 to 6; then
five times a week for weeks 7 to 8. They should be carried out 42 times in the
first eight weeks before moving on to a new programme.