21st Dec 2024 7:44:23 PM

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Children of Fire South African Child Injury Statistics

Trauma Injuries, Red Cross Childrens' Hospital, 1 April 1997 - 31 March 1998

Source: Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Southern Africa (CAPFSA), Red Cross Children's Hospital.

Motor Vehicle Accident 787 384 1171 18
Assault 123 95 218 3
Burns 274 207 481 7
Falls 1536 976 2512 39
Struck by/Against Object 402 200 602 9
Caught between object 128 103 231 4
Sharp Instrument 187 87 274 4
Firearm 27 15 42 1
Dog bites 59 39 98 2
Food foreign body 14 17 31 1
Other foreign body 140 130 270 4
Other cause 184 144 328 5
Unknown 93 80 173 3
TOTAL 3954 2477 6431 100

Detailed Statistics by Cause

CAUSE <1 1-4 5-9 10-14 >14 TOTAL
MVA Pedestrian Tran 8 156 418 141 2 725
MVA Passenger - Restrained 1 7 14 9 - 31
MVA Passenger - Unrestrained 8 40 35 32 1 116
MVA PassengerBakkie 4 12 57 28 - 101
MVA Cycle - 26 72 63 - 161
MVA Motorcycle - - 4 3 - 7
MVA Other, e.g. boat, horse - 3 8 19 - 30
MVA TOTAL 21 244 608 295 3 1171
Blunt assault 14 18 42 31 - 105
Sharp assault 4 6 12 17 1 40
Rape/sexual assault 1 8 17 9 - 35
Human bite assault - 3 2 - - 5
Other assault 3 5 15 10 - 33
ASSAULT TOTAL 22 40 88 67 1 218
Flame burn 5 15 21 20 1 62
Fluid burn 83 189 62 19 - 353
Heat contact burn 7 16 2 - - 25
Electrical burn 3 3 - - - 6
Chemical burn 3 3 4 1 - 11
Explosion burn 1 2 7 1 - 11
Other burn 2 8 2 1 - 13
TOTAL BURNS 104 236 98 42 1 481
Off bed fall 101 117 54 11 - 283
Stairs/steps fall 11 61 37 17 - 126
Attendants arms fall 47 36 7 3 - 93
Playground equip.fall 1 39 158 46 - 244
Mobiles fall 24 16 24 25 - 89
Other heights fall 37 161 262 126 2 588
On level fall 49 336 477 220 7 1089
FALLS TOTAL 270 766 1019 448 9 2512
Struck by/against 31 165 226 178 2 602
Caught between 8 106 89 27 1 231
Sharp instrument 10 61 131 70 2 274
Firearm 4 7 19 12 - 42
Machinery - 2 - 2 - 4
Dog bite 3 21 45 29 - 98
Other bite 1 1 2 2 - 6
Immersion/drowning - 1 - - - 1
Suffocation - - - - - -
Food foreign body 2 16 13 - - 31
Other foreign body 18 123 106 22 1 270
Other cause 42 151 63 59 2 317
Unknown 47 78 34 12 2 173
TOTAL 583 2018 2541 1265 24 6431

This material is Copyright © The Dorah Mokoena Charitable Trust and/or Children of Fire , 1998-2024.
Distribution or re-transmission of this material, excluding the Schools' Guide, is expressly forbidden without prior permission of the Trust.
For further information, email firechildren@icon.co.za