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Children of Fire
The Trusts owe a great debt of gratitude to all those listed below, and many more, too numerous to mention:
African Merchant Bank
PO Box 786833
Sandton 2146
South Africa

for legal services:
Edward Nathan & Friedland Inc
PO Box 783347
Sandton 2146
South Africa
for financial services:
Fisher Hoffman Sithole
PO Box 1370
Johannesburg 2000
South Africa
for complimentary Car Hire:
Kenning Car Hire  Avis
for discounted flights:
South African Airways
West Bridgford School, Nottingham, UK for its kind donation of £1600.
For banking services: Barclays Premier, UK .
For legal services: Theodore Goddard Jersey.
All the surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and auxiliary staff who have been
involved in the treatment of burned children at the request of the charities.
Colin Haylock and Sarah Jones of the Charing Cross Hospital
for continuing assistance with prostheses.
Professor Peter Owen and Dr Leanne Sykes of the University of the Witwatersrand
for assisting with prostheses for burned children.
The hundreds of people who made a donation
and who continue to support us.
Thanks for fire-fighting water tank sponsorship to: Nedcor Foundation, First National Bank,
African Merchant Bank, Rosebank Rotary and Ukuvuka
The community of Wivenhoe, Essex, UK for support of community-building endeavours;
particularly sending toys for squatter camp children and burned children.
Passmores School for initiating the Schools Guide.
Intercape for providing free transportation home for children.
The countless medical staff in Southern Africa, the UK, Switzerland
and the USA who have given treatment and advice.
The following British newspapers for providing the means to publicise plight of burned children:
The Times, The London Evening Standard, The Independent.
The following South African newspapers for providing the means to publicise plight of
burned children: The Star, Business Day, The Citizen, Beeld.
Pick 'n' Pay Norwood hypermarket staff, Investec staff, Sandton and
AMB staff for donations of clothes to shack fire survivors in 2001.
Jonquil Phelan, Managing Editor, African Publications at Alain Charles Publishing Ltd for providing meeting facilities at very short notice.
Lucy Robertshaw for typing, lifts and kindness!
Vuyo Jack of Johannesburg for assistance with bookkeeping.
Liberty Life for donating 2 computers to help with business training of squatter camp residents.
Steve Johnson for assistance with computers.

Children of Fire says thanks 17 July 2008

There are government departments and government departments …. And who ever had a good word to say about any of them?
Children of Fire does.
The First Burns Charity in Africa is spreading its wings across the continent and that, of course, needs assistance from South Africa's Department of Foreign Affairs.
Visas and permits are needed.
On-the-ground advice.
Special clearance for refugees.
And help with all those unexpected "what if" situations that always seem to occur… especially if you are far away from home.
Charities can't present gold statues like the Oscars.
We can't give money or expensive gifts.
But we can say a heart-felt Thank You to our:
Best Government Department of The Year: Foreign Affairs.
Thank you to all the special people in Pretoria, from the Minister's Office and at many other levels.
Thank you to the Chargé D'Affaires in N'Djamena in Chad.
Thank you to the staff on the ground in Libya.
Thank you to the South African Ambassador to Tunisia.
Thank you to the Democratic Republic of the Congo specialists.
Thank you to experts in Gabon.
Whenever you are needed, you are there. One of our foreign children lost his air ticket in Tripoli. He was not South African and not even travelling to South Africa at that time - but who did we turn to for advice? South Africa.
They ensured that the child was fed, happy and sent safely on his way… even on a public holiday.
Within the next 12 months we'll be co-operating with several North African countries, sending South African medical specialists to help burns survivors there.
In October 2008 the medical outreach in Kinshasa, DRC takes shape.
Africa is burning and Children of Fire is playing its small role, trying to extinguish the pain.
We couldn't do it without Foreign Affairs.
Thank you for putting the "civil" back into civil servant. Thank you for being there when you are needed - any hour of the day, any day of the year.
Children present to say thanks: Philisiwe (16), Boipelo (14), Sameh (18) from Tunisia, Yassine (16) from Tunisia, Katrinky (13), Doreen (10), Dorah (14), Sizwe (7), Feleng (6), Zanele (4), Seiso (3), Thapelo (2), Rumbi (11).
Thursday 17th July 2008
110 Hamilton Road, Arcadia.

Trustees of Children of Fire Trust

Ann Heard (nee Metcalf), a trustee of Children of Fire Trust

Bronwen Phillips, also a trustee of Children of Fire Trust

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This material is Copyright © The Dorah Mokoena Charitable Trust and/or Children of Fire , 1998-2025.
Distribution or re-transmission of this material, excluding the Schools' Guide, is expressly forbidden without prior permission of the Trust.
For further information, email firechildren@icon.co.za