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Mandela Day Craft Activity no. 2
Foam Fish

Foam Fish
Making a foam fish filled with soap, for child to wash with.
This activity can be completed by a blind or sighted child.

Assemble materials:
Thin sheet of coloured foam; card cut into fish shape; coloured marker pens; pair of scissors; large darning needles that can be threaded with wool; bar of soap.
All these items are useful for the children to use in other craft activities and can be donated to the school.

Fold foam sheet in half.
Trace outline of fish onto foam.
Cut out two fish.

Thread large-eyed needle with wool.
[If child is blind, taping the wool end with Sellotape makes it easier to thread.]
Start stitching the two fish together.
[You can use straight stitch or blanket stitch.]

Place soap bar in fish.
Continue stitching around edge.

Stitch across fish "tummy" to hold soap bar in place.
Complete stitching edges.
[Fish design can be altered to be more like a washing mitten if wanted, so that the child's hand can be tucked inside when washing.]

Draw fish eye and mouth on in permanent marker.
Cut tail to desired shape.
Child can now play with fish in bath or shower and wash at the same time.

If you have two different coloured sheets of foam, triangular fins of a contrasting colour can be cut and stitched in separately to make the fish more fun.

Darning needles and wool can be bought from: Mayet's Store, Shop C117, Grand Bazaar, Orienhtal Plaza, Fordsburg. Tel: 011 836 4859

Sheet foam can be bought from: S E Variawa / Pank's Curtain Centre, Shop C147, Grand Bazaar, Oriental Plaza, Fordsburg. Tel: 011 838 3426 or email: variawagroup@gmail.com

This material is Copyright © The Dorah Mokoena Charitable Trust and/or Children of Fire , 1998-2024.
Distribution or re-transmission of this material, excluding the Schools' Guide, is expressly forbidden without prior permission of the Trust.
For further information, email firechildren@icon.co.za