Central Africa
Sunday, aged four years old, has severe keloids across his chest, stomach and hip from his burn injuries in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Central Africa cooking methods - paraffin stove in the Congo

Across Africa people store possessions on their rooftops. Sometimes it adds to the flammability of their homes. Sometimes it increases the strength of the structure in windy weather. Sometimes it is just like an extra outdoor cupboard.
The electrical connections DRC style are not so different to those in Alexandra township in South Africa.
The Ministry of Public Health, October 2008, in Kinshasa, DRC.

Central Africa burns survivors Firsy (19) and Nella (5)

Central Africa: DRC Hospitals

Central Africa; Chris Wilson intrepid volunteer in DRC, October 2008

Christopher Wilson, a Mancunian far from home, has been meeting the Minister of Health and the Minister for Gender, Family and Children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as he takes the first steps in setting up Children of Fire Central Africa – the continent’s leading burns charity.
Central Africa trustee designate

Patricia Kabuni is a trustee-designate of Children of Fire Central Africa

Children of Fire is looking at ways to help in Central Africa.
”Our man in Africa” Chris Wilson – on the spot in Kinshasa, DRC, says “Nine days in the Congo is different to 9 working days in most other African countries.
“I should have started work at 8a.m. but it poured with rain all night. The roads are made from sand and dirt, I didn't visit the first hospital til 12! It takes more time for you to travel, it takes more time for the person you're meeting to arrive. There is African time, and Congo time.
“No matter how much planning is done before you visit, a programme can only be set once on the ground. I'm on the ground now...”

In October 2008 Chris Wilson met the Minister of Health of the Congo and various other dignitaries including Dr Ben Kabwe.
He also saw an indigenous method of burns treatment, using Palm Nut Oil.

Bolumbo Ebende (9) suffered hot water burns.

Kelly (33) fell into a fire when suffering from malaria as a child.